Teaching Strategies


teaching strategies for mental retardation
November 20, 2019

teaching strategies for mental retardation

Individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID, formerly mental retardation) benefit from the same teaching strategies used to teach people with other learning challenges. This includes learning disabilities, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and autism. One such strategy is to break down learning tasks into small steps. Each learning task is introduced…

Global developmental delay teaching strategies
October 31, 2019

Global developmental delay teaching strategies

Global developmental delay has many causes which, as an end result, affect the functioning of the central nervous system. Causes can be genetic (e.g., Fragile X syndrome), or metabolic (e.g., PKU), prenatal (e.g., rubella or birth trauma), perinatal (e.g., prematurity or the result of a childhood injury or infection). Sometimes the cause for the condition is…

Teaching academic vocabulary strategies
October 1, 2019

Teaching academic vocabulary strategies

Teaching vocabulary within the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) is an essential component of standards-based curriculum alignment. Making the critical words second nature to our students will enhance achievement on assessments and will be useful in college and career. To process and store the academic vocabulary of the standards, our studentsā€™ brains require…

Orthopedic impairment teaching strategies
December 24, 2021

Orthopedic impairment teaching strategies

Written by: Sharon Dominica ā€¢ edited by: Elizabeth Stannard Gromisch ā€¢ updated: 4/21/2015 Children with orthopedic impairment can easily study in a regular school. This article describes some ideas that teachers can use while teaching in a classroom with orthopedic impairment students. Children with orthopedic impairment can do well in a regular school studying…

Teaching strategies for infants and toddlers
August 2, 2019

Teaching strategies for infants and toddlers

Trainer s Guide: Caring for Infants & Toddlers, Second Edition English | Item #: 7516 Price: $29.95 In Stock Skill-Building Journal: Caring for Infants & Toddlers, Second Edition English | Item #: 7508 Caring for Infants & Toddlers, eCDA edition English | Item #: 1652 Price: $54.95 Recommended With: The Caring For ā€¦ series is a comprehensive, setting-specific…

Fun teaching strategies
July 4, 2019

Fun teaching strategies

Tips to help you close the book on the text-dependent classroom, while 8 fresh approaches that will make your Back to School Night memorable. How curriculum compacting teaching strategies can be used in your classroom. A look at how technology in the classroom can help you assess student writing. How you can implement a morning yoga sequence into your school…

Applied Behavior Analysis teaching strategies
June 4, 2019

Applied Behavior Analysis teaching strategies

Applied behavior analysts seek to break down and examine the fundamental human behaviors that most people take for granted. While the insights it reveals have applications in numerous fields, like prison reform, adult health and social sciences, applied behavior analysis, or ABA, is also well known for the benefits it confers upon teachers and students. Related:…

Strategies for teaching Social skills
June 1, 2019

Strategies for teaching Social skills

Students with disabilities who demonstrate appropriate social behavior are likely to experience positive peer and teacher relationships, increased participation and achievement in inclusive educational settings, and success in post-school work, educational, and social environments (McIntyre, 2003; Miller, Fenty, Scott, Park, 2010). In order for students to learn…

teaching multiplication tables strategies
May 2, 2019

teaching multiplication tables strategies

Wouldnā€™t it be great if everyone in the class could recall a multiplication fact up to 12 Ɨ 12 in less than 3 seconds? Thatā€™s my goal and Iā€™ve nearly accomplished it for the third year in a row. It has taken admirable dedication and hard work on the part of my pupils and theyā€™re now feeling rightly victorious. So how did they go about it? No Shortcuts There are…

Research based strategies for teaching
April 18, 2019

Research based strategies for teaching

The Teach 21 Strategy Bank is designed to be a dynamic resource for educators. It contains a multitude of research-based strategies teachers can use to make their classroom instruction more effective, and to address the needs of their diverse students. These strategies have been collected from a variety of sources, including the standards-based units available…

Hearing impairment teaching strategies
March 19, 2019

Hearing impairment teaching strategies

Adjust teaching methods to accommodate your visual learner s needs by writing all homework assignments, class instructions and procedural changes on the board. Providing a visual cue eliminates confusion on these topics. Remember not to speak while you have your back to the students. If a student is proficient on the computer, look into providing them with a…

Mild intellectual disability teaching strategies
March 19, 2019

Mild intellectual disability teaching strategies

An intellectual disability, formerly referred to as ā€œmental retardationā€, is not an inherent trait of any individual, but instead is characterized by a combination of deficits in both cognitive functioning and adaptive behavior. The severity of the intellectual disability is determined by the discrepancy between the individual s capabilities in learning and in…

Co-Teaching strategies and Examples
January 22, 2019

Co-Teaching strategies and Examples

One Teach One Observe Definition: One teacher has primary responsibility while the other gathers specific observational information on students or the instructing teacher. The key to this strategy is to have a focus for observation. Example: One teacher observes students to determine how well they understand directions while the other leads instruction. One Teach…

Teaching strategies for primary school
January 9, 2019

Teaching strategies for primary school

This study aims to investigate primary teachersā€™ teaching strategies in music Turkish primary classrooms. In the study the ā€˜qualitativeā€™ research approach was adopted in order to fulfil the aims and objectives of the study. The study carried out in two state primary schools in Turkey. Total of six primary school teachers with different educational backgrounds…

Teaching strategies in teaching literature
December 10, 2018

Teaching strategies in teaching literature

By Terry Heick How can you teach Shakespeare to students accustomed to tiny screens with brief flashes of communication that instantly fade away (both in meaning endurance and visible text)? Begin by focusing on the macro. The context and need here is clear enough I think to jump right in to the strategies. 1. Use combinations of mediaā€“classic and modern together…

What are instructional strategies for teaching?
September 11, 2018

What are instructional strategies for teaching?

As with children who learn to read print, children who are blind must have broad and repeated exposure to language, concepts, and books before they receive formal instruction in reading. Young children will benefit from being read aloud to, and should have a chance to handle braille books well before they are formally taught to read. In addition to adequate language…

Teaching approaches and strategies for science
July 13, 2018

Teaching approaches and strategies for science

Teaching Science is not about preparing students for a world that is static and fixed, but it concerns getting students ready to cope with changes and challenges in their lives. Traditional direct instruction in Science generally focuses on mastery of content with less emphasis on the development of scientific skills and attitudes; students are the receivers…