strategies in teaching writing skills
Students with visual impairments use different strategies when writing, depending on the amount of vision they have, as well as their particular needs and interests. It is important to work closely with a teacher of the blind and visually impaired to determine which strategies are most appropriate for a specific student.
The document (2008) from SET-BC (Special Education Technology British Columbia) is divided into four sections based on the types of media that students use to complete writing tasks:
- Paper Strategies which include: regular writing tools, adapted writing tools, adapted paper, writing with video magnification, writing with a manual brailler, and use of a slate and stylus.
- E-Text Strategies which include: word processing software, word processing software with screen magnification, word processing with speech, word processing with screen magnification and speech, use of an electronic brailler, use of a braille note taker and word processing with refreshable braille.
- Oral Strategies which include using a dictation device.
- Electronic Text Outputs which include: laser and ink jet printers and use of a braille embosser.
Source: www.pathstoliteracy.org